Run! Run for Your Lives!

Laura Mohsene
3 min readJun 27, 2018

Run for political office! What?? Run for political office!?

Run for office. Participate in the political process. Vote in younger representatives.

You may be thinking, “Oh, hell no!” but read on.

Do you know how old you have to be to run for office in the House of Representatives? The answer is 25 years old. Do you know how old you have to be to run for Senator? The answer is 30 years old.

But did you know that the median age for the House of Representatives is 57.8 years old and for the Senate it is 61.8 years old? Old people are running this country! They are making decisions that will affect your lives for decades to come. I know it probably feels like you can’t do anything to change things, but you can. And you need to! Your future depends on it.

Why leave all the governing to men the age of your grandparents? Do you trust them to pass laws that will benefit you now and in the future, or are they more focused on what will benefit them?

It is usually old men who send young men off to fight wars. Old men have more money and more power than young people and they are not fighting for you. Do you want to be drafted? It could happen.

So, okay. Maybe you won’t begin by running for office right away, but you can vote. You can get involved in supporting…

