My One Photo A Day Challenge Continues

I Double Dog Dare You to Take a Photo a Day and Observe the Things Around You That You See or Don’t See Every Day

You Will Be Surprised at What You Will Discover

Laura Mohsene
5 min readMay 14, 2023


Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash

I encourage you to take up this challenge and begin to take a photo each day. Observe the sights around you and you will be surprised at what you will discover.

Since I can’t stop at just one photo a day, I have compiled a selection of the photos I have taken in the past few days. Most are taken from my neighborhood walks. Below is a photo showing a view of Park Street. It is quite a long street and good for a nice long walk.

Photo by Laura Mohsene

When I take a photo of something I have observed, I feel like I have discovered something new. I enjoy seeing patterns in nature and discovering unexpected “found” items as I walk down the street. This photo is a view from the sidewalk from where I begin my walk.

I have walked past this example of humans making a permanent mark of their existence many times without ever paying attention to it until this week. Look closely…

