Member-only story
My Many Stalkers
and other people who keep bothering me
I am being stalked!
I receive daily phone calls, texts, and other unwanted messages from a person or people I don’t know, don’t want to know, and shouldn’t have to know.
Sometimes, I think this is just one sick individual trying to harrass me, but there are so many calls purporting to be from other businesses and organizations that instead of a person suffering from multiple personalities, I’ve become convinced it is just a horde of morons pursuing me.
They call and leave a breathy message telling me that my car’s warranty needs to be renewed. This stalker disguises his/her phone number in an attempt to make me pick up the phone so they can annoy me. This stalker began calling me the day after I bought my first Toyota more than 10 years ago. They tell me about cars I do not nor ever have owned. I get these calls 7 days a week. Some days, they call up to 3 or 4 times. This stalker is the main reason I stopped answering any call whose number I did not recognize.
Discover card is another stalker of mine. Every week for the past 8 or 9 years, I get mail from Discover trying to persuade me to take one of their credit cards. I don’t know if they call me or not because, if you recall, I don’t answer numbers that I don’t recognize. I should start saving these envelopes and when I…